Application Integration/Extension/Restructuring

RFK Associates, Inc. has developed a number of Client Server (C/S) Systems. The objective is to develop Systems that provide Clients with the following benefits.

To achieve these benefits requires the integration of these new C/S Systems with existing applications. Moreover, the C/S applications must be scalable and adaptable to the Client's dynamic business environment.

Our applications are developed using "object-oriented" technology as well as a "rule based" architecture.

Object-oriented development allows applications to be developed, prototyped, componetized, scaled and enhanced in less time and effort with greater reliability.

Rules, which are considered objects, allow Users to specify application processing without requiring "programming." For example, regulation changes or requirement changes can be implemented via rule changes obviating the need for expensive and time consuming re-programming.

Rules are also used to implement connectivity with existing applications. As such application integration requirement changes can be implemented through rule changes ------- Not Re-programming !!!!.

Application Integration/Extension/Restructuring Services include the following.

We employ standard industry tools and technologies based on Visual Rapid Application Component Object Development.

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